♦ Just a Bunch of Pictures & Quick Trip to the Library ♦

15 October 2014


So basically these were just a few pictures I've taken over the year [s] :) Obviously, because some were like taken in the spring, and it's obviously not spring anymore :( *Glances outside at the cold, chilly night* But- Fall is amazing too :D

So - now for my library trip:) It was super cold and foggy and rainy this past Monday, and definitely October. So after school, guess where I went? THE LIBRARY!!! Hip hip hooray!!! Orrr not......Yeah, about that :)

Well, see, I had to get a classic book for a school project and so I went to the library. I asked the librarian if they had the classics somewhere, and her somewhat disappointing answer was, "They're scattered throughout the library." UGHHHH..... How was I supposed to go through the entire library to find one. classic. book. So, I went to one of the library computers and searched up "classic" in the genre thingy, and there were like 110 results. Really? I was pretty much on the verge of despair. So I went to the non-fiction section and literally spent half-an-hour traveling back and forth from there to the computer every five minutes. Hmm..... So finally, I remembered a book I had got there last year, so I looked it up on the computer card catalog, and YESSSS!!!!! It was there! So I went and found it, and right beside it was another that one looked pretty interesting. So I picked it up as well. So, as I was getting ready to check out my stuff, I went to the fiction/juvenile fiction (I honestly don't even know what it was :) section and picked up some pretty interesting books as well. So on the way home I decided to spruce this post up a bit (because, in all honesty, who likes looking at a bunch of weird photos  taken by me? XD ) So I took some pictures of my books and thought I'd show you and if you've read any of these books, let me know if they're good or not! Also, what genres do you guys like reading? I LOVEEE Mystery and Comedy and Drama and just about anything that'll tide me over and leave me speechless :D

Oh- and if you're wondering if I got a classic, yes, I finally found THREE classics by E.B. White (He wrote classic right ? RIGHT? RIGHT? If you know, pleeeease tell me. Cuz I'm almost positive he did.... and he better have because I need it for school! ;) in the fiction section. Like, WHAT? So I ended putting the two books I had found in the Non-fic section away... I literally put away half-an-hour's worth of work. *sigh* :) Yeah,well... And wow I rambled quite a bit :)

 Book #1 : Stuart Little. So, this is the book I found as a classic. I think I'm going to use it and it looked pretty interesting. I knew it was fairly popular, so have any of you guys read it?

 Book #2 : Escape into the Night. This book is part of the "The Riverboat Adventures" series. I actually read the whole series like years ago, so I think it'll be be fun to re-read. I think I actually enjoyed it, so yeah..... And I know the pictures turned out pretty bad for this one so, sorry :)

 Book #3 : Behind Enemy Lines. Personally, I don't know if this is a popular series, but my library has the whole collection (seriously, guys, there's like forty-two!). I'm on book 13, and I really love this series. I saw the first movie on it, (the movies not on the kids ones though) and it's EXHILARATING.  lol, I always loved big words. But, really, I do like these books. And my library only has the series for the Left Behind >The Kids< series, so, I'll just finish this series and then look around for the older version. Quick background : There's the kids series and the adult series (I think.... not 100% sure) Anybody else know?

 Book #4 : Mystery of the 99 Steps + The Clue in the Crossword Cipher. So my library has some Nancy Drew books that are two in one. HOW AMAZING IS THAT????? Pretty amazing. I've always loved Nancy Drew, and since it's mystery, it's one of my favorite reads :) Absolutely can't wait to read this sometime! I actually think I read the first book years ago, but I'll just re-read it because it's that interesting :)

Book #5 : A Surprise for Caroline. Just love my American Girl books, right? hehe... actually I have another blog >>> CLICKYYY HEREEE <<<<  on which I want to do a review of this book since I've never read an AG book (save one?) so I thought it would be fun to get one and do a review on it on that blog, since that blog is more dedicated to dolls anyways :) 


OK, so that wraps up this post. Thank you so much for reading, and, and, and.... Stuart Little is a classic, right? lol, no, actually I don't really care, if it's not, yeah well, it's not the end of the world; but I would like if it would be a classic :) So what have you been up to lately? What genres do you like reading? Bookworm or no? (If not, WHYYYYYYYYYY?????????)

And by the way, anyone else already excited for Christmas? It's only 3 MONTHS AWAY! Or two, I don't know, are we counting October too? Yeah well, in either case, it's so soon! YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!! hehe... well have a wonderful, richly blessed week :) 

Thanks for reading and God bless <3


  1. I am a total bookworm! Seriously, I've read 90+ books this year! I've been keeping track of them. haha! Oooh, I love E.B White. The first big ;) books I ever read were "Stuart Little", "The Trumpet Swan" and "Charlotte's Web". I love them so much, I think because of the memories in them. :D I like history books, and books written based on historical happenings. Like, right now I'm reading "The Calico Captive", it is so interesting!

    1. WOW! That is amazing! Yeah, I actually used "The Trumpet of the Swan" last year for my school and I loved it!
      Yeah, those are interesting!
      My friend was literally reading the Calico Captive like two days ago! I'm definitely going to ask her about it too :) And maybe, just maybe, I will read it too :)

    2. Hahaa, I think that "The Trumpet Swan" is my favorite of all. It was so intriguing! Hmm..after I finish the book I read I'll have to go and find those books again. ;) What?! That is so funny! I really like the Calico Captive, you should totally read it! Have you read the Bronze Bow or The Sign of the Beaver written by the same author? They are all really wonderful and I haven't found anything bad in any of them. I'm keeping track of all the books I read this year, and if you ever need help with finding some books you can ask me! I have so many that I want to read right now that I have 6 books on my nightstand and many many many more on my shelf. Lol! Hahaa, sorry for this novel comment, Autumn. I just love talking about books!

    3. I agree completely. Although I haven't read Stuart Little or Charlotte's Web (actually maybe I did read that one years ago) yet, I'm sure they're interesting!
      Now you have alerted my bookworm brain, definitely going to check those books out! I don't mind at all, and, in fact, we could spend the whole day talking about books if you want ;) Or, wait, I have to go to school... AGHHHHHHHH............. :) But really, I love novel comments!

    4. Oh, please tell me if you are able to get the books and your thoughts on them! I'm sure you will really enjoy the Bronze Bow.. it is my favorite out of them all. :) Oohh, lets set up a day to talk about books ALL day long! Hmm..I have a lot of school too, maybe on a weekend? ;) It sure would be an interesting conversation. lol! Do you like books written now, or old books? I prefer oolllldddd books, ya know, the ones falling apart. :D I was at the library last week and the librarian (who doesn't know me very well yet, haha) told me that I was just in time for the brand new book that EVERYONE is trying to get their hands on. I replied "Hahaa...not me, I've never heard of it. I think I'll go grab one of your older books." She looked at me strangely for a moment but then told me that they had plenty of them! :D Like I told you, books are my thing. ;) Oh, and I finished the Calico Captive last night, it was really good! ♥

    5. Yeah, I'm going to have to check at the library ASAP! That would be awesome! When do you want to? :D
      Just imagine! It would be very interesting ;)
      Hmm, good question... well, it depends, I really like modern story plots, they're easier to understand for me personally, but I do love they way old books are. Like the font and the setup and sometimes even the plot is pretty good!
      Hahha!! That's hilarious :) Oh, OK! Definitely should check the Calico Captive out now! Maybe I'll ask my friend where she got hers :) Oh, and what genre of books do you like best? Well, I guess you said historical, but like historical fiction or biographies or etc? lol, that looks weird, "or etc?" XD :D

    6. Hmm...whenever works for me! :D Though, I think we'd better do it somewhere else than on your blog..haha, these comments are crazy. ;) Sometimes modern story plots can get lost in the middle. I think I've only read a handful of books that were newer but still had good story plots. It also helps that I started out reading older books, so I just naturally go to them. :) I hope you can get it! :D I really don't like biographies (unless I liked the person so much that I wanted to see it from their point of view), but I usually like books written on the person telling what they did. Or, when they incorporate something that happened in history with a fictional person. So, I guess I like historical fiction. Haha! Every once in a while, I do like reading a good complete fiction book to ease up a little. It really helps for me! :D Do you get to read a lot, or not too much because of school? I'm able to incorporate my reading with my schoolwork, which is really awesome. :)

    7. OK! Yeah, we should definitely start over somewhere else :) Yeah, that does tend to happen sometimes... I hope so too! I'll have to ask her on Monday :)
      Me too, I don't really like biographies that much.... Yeah, I love those books too! Hmmm, well, I try to finish all my assignments so I can read a little, but lately I've had a little more schoolwork, so not as much, but I do read during and after school, so I guess I do read pretty much... How about you? :D

  2. I love Nancy Drew!! It's is so good! Yeah, I have like 4 or 5 2-in-1 copies of the Nancy Drew books. Wow, that was a lot of numbers. :D

    And of course, American girl!! :P

    ~Lydia~ <3

    1. AGREED. Nancy Drew is honestly, just, well, amazing. :) Hehe, mathematician? Or no? (lol, who does like math?)

  3. LOVE the pics! :)
    I think I've read Stuart Little, or at least watched the movie, and I have Caroline's box of 6 books set.
    Literally, I am hyper in my mind but right now I am like falling asleep from camp last night...

    1. Thank you!
      Oooh, was it interesting? Awesome!
      hehehe, :) Know the feeling....

  4. Anonymous10/17/2014

    I'm always slightly hyper when I get out of the library, especially when I get books I love :)

  5. I think Little Stuart is a classic... if not it certainly should be. :)
    I'm a big bookworm; albeit a quirky, picky, fiction-only one. xD
    And you're not the only one excited for Christmas. I'm uber excited for the snow, Christmas lights (and bokeh), and just spending time with the family. =)

    1. Yeah, I just finished reading it, and it really is good :)
      Aww, that just sounded so poetic to me <3 Like, literally, I loved how you worded that. But same here :)
      CHRISTMAS!!! Agh, where do I start? I'm literally freaking out on the inside, trying to maintain a calm front so people won't think I'm going crazy. ;P And bokeh!!!! Can't wait to try out some photography this year with bokeh ♥
      (btw, thank you so much for following me on both blogs! I hit 50 followers on here thanks to you, so THANK YOU!!!!!!!!)

    2. Aw well good. :)
      And haha, I *may* have meant to word it like that. =)
      Haha, no kidding! I try not to mention it, considering it's still quite a ways away but I can't wait to bust out the Christmas decorations and start taking winter-like photos. <3
      And no problem, dear. Your blogs are amazing; congratulations of the 50 followers, you deserve it. =)

    3. I can't wait either to start taking winter photos :) They're honestly sooo fun to take.
      Thank you, you're flattering :) I think I'll probably do a post on here next week for that so..... <3


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