so hey guys :) how are you doing? I actually realize that I sort of disappeared like the past two weeks :) *giggles*
SO...yeah. today I'm posting like, you know, one of those things where it has like stuff you're doing in a category? if that didn't make sense you'll see what I mean. ;) anyways, so let me just start doing that before I launch into a huge paragraph about how to avoid getting sick in the cold winter. not fun, guys, not fun.
also, this is my first post this month. BUT LIKE GUYS IT'S MARCH. M A R C H. whaaaaat? how did March get here so fast? it literally seems like it's spring already, and, I mean, yeah. where did the winter go? AKDFSOIGMNIHDSKFJAKJFDSK. YES. I'm like happy and sort of sad at the same time. You do realize we will never, ever, EVER get a winter 2015 again? *sighs* life goes on. but that's good. BECAUSE AFTER SPRING IT'S SUMMER.
okay i'll stop.
feeling: well, physically, I'm sort of recovering from a stuffy nose and sore throat. Last weekend, I was pretty sick and being outside all day Saturday probably didn't help much ^_^ but just as for me, well, I guess pretty...I don't know. I'm trying to learn to live stronger by faith. Faith is so powerful, and it's so beautiful. There's a lot of problems that look impossible in life right now, but one thing that I've been pondering lately is that with the JOY of Christ in my heart I truly can enjoy life. God will make the future wonderful, and I will trust Him only. He will never leave nor forsake, and when I can remember that every day, life is amazing.
reading: nothing specifically. I'm currently not actually reading like one particular book or anything....but, as for Bible reading, recently I've loved digging into Psalms. It's so relatable and truthful and jam-packed with hope and inspiration.

baking: BAKING YES. so...recently, as in yesterday, I actually tried to make copycat Little Debbie Oatmeal Crème Pies. Key word: tried. They got pretty good, I'd say, all things considered. For one, I cut out the brown sugar in the cookies and subbed xylitol, which is what I typically use in place of granulated sugar. But then I did add a touch of molasses to the dough in the end, so it sorta evened out. But yeah, overall, I think it was a pretty good thing. Of course, it wasn't spot on, but I really don't care too much. The pies that I made are probably at least a tad healthier than Debbie's =P
also, guys, I think I'm sort of a food geek. like, the science behind baking and stuff like that? it's really fascinating.
wishing: for long days, humid air, moments of solitude with God, meaningful friendships, and miracles. huh. you know how I said 2016 was going to be the year of miracles for me? I'm still hoping for that, and praying earnestly.
anticipating: quite honestly, the past few weeks, like I said, were so incredibly busy and rich and fulfilling. and a lot of the stuff that I was anticipating happened. So, quite honestly, the road ahead looks rather straight, but you never know where there is an unexpected bend. though, really, I'm anticipating SPRING! gahhh....I cannot wait.
trusting: God for life.
enjoying: RELISHING THE FACT THAT SCIENCE FAIR IS OVER. WOOT. like, you guys know the science fair thing that I've blabbed about on here for a long time? and how I wrote about how my presentation went and all that jazz? well, the fair was two weeks ago, and it's DONE. oh yeah. haha, the best part of the fair was the popcorn, tbh. I mean, POPCORN. I probably scarfed down like three bags.
regretting: i don't know. what i regret most is the time wasted in life. i want to make the most of life and stay close to Jesus.
listening: to Good Fight by Unspoken.
realizing: that every day can be beautiful. it's really up to me to see that and embrace it. also, that i need to spend time with God if i want to get anywhere in life and that loving God is a daily thing that i need to demonstrate in every area of my life.
choosing: JOY.
practicing: VIOLIN. I just got a new one, and it's beautiful. (quick background: I've been playing for quite some years) I love the rich and melodious sound it has, and it's just inspired me to practice more than ever. it's fun :)
loving: this thing called life ♥
so what's up in your life? i like really need to wrap this up now and wind down for the, yeah,
have an awesome week and keep smiling =)
SO...yeah. today I'm posting like, you know, one of those things where it has like stuff you're doing in a category? if that didn't make sense you'll see what I mean. ;) anyways, so let me just start doing that before I launch into a huge paragraph about how to avoid getting sick in the cold winter. not fun, guys, not fun.
also, this is my first post this month. BUT LIKE GUYS IT'S MARCH. M A R C H. whaaaaat? how did March get here so fast? it literally seems like it's spring already, and, I mean, yeah. where did the winter go? AKDFSOIGMNIHDSKFJAKJFDSK. YES. I'm like happy and sort of sad at the same time. You do realize we will never, ever, EVER get a winter 2015 again? *sighs* life goes on. but that's good. BECAUSE AFTER SPRING IT'S SUMMER.
okay i'll stop.
feeling: well, physically, I'm sort of recovering from a stuffy nose and sore throat. Last weekend, I was pretty sick and being outside all day Saturday probably didn't help much ^_^ but just as for me, well, I guess pretty...I don't know. I'm trying to learn to live stronger by faith. Faith is so powerful, and it's so beautiful. There's a lot of problems that look impossible in life right now, but one thing that I've been pondering lately is that with the JOY of Christ in my heart I truly can enjoy life. God will make the future wonderful, and I will trust Him only. He will never leave nor forsake, and when I can remember that every day, life is amazing.
reading: nothing specifically. I'm currently not actually reading like one particular book or anything....but, as for Bible reading, recently I've loved digging into Psalms. It's so relatable and truthful and jam-packed with hope and inspiration.

baking: BAKING YES. so...recently, as in yesterday, I actually tried to make copycat Little Debbie Oatmeal Crème Pies. Key word: tried. They got pretty good, I'd say, all things considered. For one, I cut out the brown sugar in the cookies and subbed xylitol, which is what I typically use in place of granulated sugar. But then I did add a touch of molasses to the dough in the end, so it sorta evened out. But yeah, overall, I think it was a pretty good thing. Of course, it wasn't spot on, but I really don't care too much. The pies that I made are probably at least a tad healthier than Debbie's =P
also, guys, I think I'm sort of a food geek. like, the science behind baking and stuff like that? it's really fascinating.
wishing: for long days, humid air, moments of solitude with God, meaningful friendships, and miracles. huh. you know how I said 2016 was going to be the year of miracles for me? I'm still hoping for that, and praying earnestly.
anticipating: quite honestly, the past few weeks, like I said, were so incredibly busy and rich and fulfilling. and a lot of the stuff that I was anticipating happened. So, quite honestly, the road ahead looks rather straight, but you never know where there is an unexpected bend. though, really, I'm anticipating SPRING! gahhh....I cannot wait.
trusting: God for life.
enjoying: RELISHING THE FACT THAT SCIENCE FAIR IS OVER. WOOT. like, you guys know the science fair thing that I've blabbed about on here for a long time? and how I wrote about how my presentation went and all that jazz? well, the fair was two weeks ago, and it's DONE. oh yeah. haha, the best part of the fair was the popcorn, tbh. I mean, POPCORN. I probably scarfed down like three bags.
regretting: i don't know. what i regret most is the time wasted in life. i want to make the most of life and stay close to Jesus.
listening: to Good Fight by Unspoken.
realizing: that every day can be beautiful. it's really up to me to see that and embrace it. also, that i need to spend time with God if i want to get anywhere in life and that loving God is a daily thing that i need to demonstrate in every area of my life.
choosing: JOY.
practicing: VIOLIN. I just got a new one, and it's beautiful. (quick background: I've been playing for quite some years) I love the rich and melodious sound it has, and it's just inspired me to practice more than ever. it's fun :)
loving: this thing called life ♥
so what's up in your life? i like really need to wrap this up now and wind down for the, yeah,
have an awesome week and keep smiling =)
Has anyone ever told you how GORGEOUS your design is, like it's stunning. Those oatmeal cream pies look amazing, do share the recipe ;)
ReplyDeleteI recently, as in December, got a new violin too! There's just something about playing a new violin that's so pleasing, the way that the bow feels when you first get used to it. Ah. It's always great to start practicing more, you understand again how great the violin is again :D
EEEK EEEK EEEK AAAAHHHHH. you're kidding, right? XD
Deletethey were pretty much the bomb :) I used the recipe from Sally's Baking Addiction for her Giant Single-Serve Oatmeal Crème Pie and then I just used the dough to make a small batch instead of one giant cookie :)
Aw, you play violin too? I never knew that! That's so incredible. Yeah, I just love the crisp, ringing sound that it's so beautiful. Although, my new strings are like sort of tight so I have to tune it EVERY day which is kinda annoying ^_^ oh well.
Yay, you actually posted! New instruments are great! Besides the smell of food, the only other smells that I really like are the scents of new instruments, auditoriums, and books (with their crisp pages)! I think that I'd love to smell (and taste, most certainly) the pies you made! ^.^
ReplyDeleteAs for me at the moment? I'm currently typing up my essay on Meno and trying to heal my right ankle for the umpteenth time, which I hurt several hours ago running on ice. I feel like I have slight arthritis on that ankle now; every time I point my toes, that particular ankle pops and hurts. It's also really stiff... >.<
xoxo Morning
Deletehaha..yeah. New instruments ARE the best, I agree. BOOKS YES YES YES YES. The scent of new books and their pages is like, one of my most favorite smells. haha, right, I'd love to share them with all of you guys. It would be like a dream come true =)
Aww...I'm sure that's annoying. I hope your ankle feels better soon :) I get what you're saying totally. Like sometimes after being out in the cold for a long time or something, I just feel really stiff and just like sitting on the couch and drinking hot tea. <3
Great post! Loved reading your catch-up post!<3
ReplyDeleteDude... Good Fight by Unspoken is amazing!
Aww, thanks, Clara!
DeleteRIGHT YES. it's amazing and encouraging and inspirational plus they used it in War Room so double brownie points.
Can I come where you are and read Psalms and taste your cookie things? XD
ReplyDeleteDUDE YES. of course you can. =)
Delete(i'll bake you a whole batch of oatmeal pies if you want some, just saying)
ReplyDeleteAhhh I love that photo of the flowers. So beautiful and spring-y :D
Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality
Deletecrazy. but it's not a bad thing really, because I'm all for spring and <3
aw thanks <3 I had that picture on my computer for literally the longest time ever and I was like I NEED TO USE IT IN A POST. :D
ReplyDeletePopcorn is the most amazing thing ever. I'm sorry you've been sick! That's the worst:( I hope you're feeling better!
Deleteor maybe not but yeah ;) POPCORN <3 mmm...yeah. that stuff is the bomb. I agree, being sick is literally the most ANNOYING thing ever. I'm feeling pretty much back to normal yeah :)
Lovin' the lately post! :) Also looking forward to humidity. So tired of this cold dry air.
ReplyDeleteThose creme pies though.... I'm getting hungry!
Oooohhhh I love that song by Unspoken! It's one of my favorites!
Yay you finally posted! I loved reading this and I can relate with so many of these things! Those pies sound delicious :)
ReplyDeleteJoy. I too have been thinking about, walking towards, and praying for joy. And it is showing up all around me, in little ways every day. For you are right, every day is beautiful, full of baking and science fairs and Psalms. Let's make it our mission to see how God is working all around us in wondrous ways!
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I really understand your heart and love it!
Amen, choosing joy!
ReplyDeleteAllie D.
OH MY GOSH YOUR BLOG IS SO PRETTY! Did you redesign it recently? Maybe I just haven't noticed. And did you do it all by yourself or have someone do it for you? I really like how you did the sidebar with the boxes around the gadgets. Did you follow a tutorial? *throws all the questions and curiosity at you* xD