the little things

03 May 2015

you know, in life, there are tons of things that make it just a little bit better.  things that brighten our day.  things that make life worthwhile.  the little things.

it's really easy to forget about them too.  maybe that's why they're dubbed "little."  and maybe it's not really something you think about; maybe it's just the weather that brightens your mood a little.

rainy? perfect. i was just wanting to have a cozy Saturday all to myself.

sunny? awesome. now i can go on that awesome picnic with my best friends. 

and you know, there are just so many things that I've started to realize recently that, well, mean a lot to me.  so i tried to figure out a little list or something along that line of things that mean a lot to me.  and here they are. and not all of these are necessarily just...i don't cute little things like the clouds or whatever...some are just things that for me are awesome.

  •  the trusting smile that little people give you when you're spending time with them.  it like strikes a cord in my heart that makes me melt.
  • playing peek-a-boo with a baby.  it kinda goes along with the first one, but still...
  • being with your best friends and making awesome memories.  you know those days that you have all planned out to have a great day out with your friends and it actually goes according to plan? they're some of the best. 
  • getting out of school (aka where you'll never see daylight) and appreciating with a new-found appreciation the spectacular weather. 
  • when days go seemingly perfect.  those are the days that are amazing...and even though they barely ever happen, it's still awesome when they do. and even if they don't, still being happy throughout the day.  because yeah.... life will be what i make it out to be; so i should make it out to be great.
  • studio C. yeah. i just discovered how hilarious they actually  their sense of humor is literally just...the best.
  • flannel shirts....yes. yes. yes.  i cannot get over how awesome they are.  and what's even more great is that you can wear them in summer, fall, winter, or spring basically and you'll never look eccentric.  (plus if you would who cares) 
  • eating fresh fruit.  can i just say how much it makes me feel like a really healthy person?  not that i'm not healthy or whatever, but it makes me feel like i'm one of those really healthy people.  (yup.  i just completely repeated myself in a failed attempt to explain what i was meaning.) plus it's just great and makes me feel like i'm doing myself a huge favor ^-^
  • effortless conversations.  these are just great and make me realize that i can still do it.  sometimes i find it really awkward and hard to make small talk, but when i'm with someone i know and am completely comfortable's perfect. 
  • waking up to the smell of breakfast and sunshine pouring in through your window. that would be perfect.
anyways, that was really fun to do actually =) what did you think? 

have a great night/day/week and i shall leave you all with a quote *grins* 

Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you will look back, and realize they were the big things.



  1. Eeeeeeeeeee. I love it. I totally love this idea and everything.... just... small things, you know? So I will attempt to make a small list here, but it shall not be nearly as awesome as yours. :-)

    -When you're in a group and someone looks for you so they can walk with you. It makes you feel important and you notice it and it doesn't happen to me often, but it did last night. I basically exploded into a bunch of sunlight.

    -A good song. Do you know how good that makes your day? It's absolutely perfect and you play it on repeat all day and it just effects everything and then you know all the lyrics and boom. total awesomeness.

    -Talking to your best friends. I can't see my friends every week, but I can talk to them online. If I'm having an awful day or anything, I can talk to them. We talk it out and then jokes happen. I laugh until my face hurts. It just feels so good.

    -Hot showers.

    Does that even need explaining

    hot showers are totally awesome

    make your day like %100 better (even though I take showers at night instead of in the morning... XD)

    -Smiles. Just watching people smile, laugh, or talk passionately about what they love. It gives me inspiration and I just want to listen to them forever and hear what they have to say. I want them to be happy. It just makes me happy when other people are happy, ya know?

    These remind me of Adelaide Thompson's Love Overflowing posts she does on Mondays (unless she's late ;-)). I think you could make it into a weekly thing, yeah? I would love it. Even if this is the only post = boom. I love it.

    1. Do you realize that comment quite possible made my day? Or my week? Or my month? xD Thank you so much for commenting, Candence :)
      Pffft....mine's not even close to being awesome. Now yours though... is pretty much awesome. Everything is like so relatable. YES. Hot showers are the best. It's almost kind of funny though, how it's almost summer and I still love hot showers. They're just that amazing.
      Yeah! I think those kind of inspired this post :) Hmm...that's a thought. I don't know about weekly, but maybe monthly. Thank you!

  2. Getting out of school... I have another three weeks to go (urgh) but hopefully these weeks will fly by fast! I love how little things soon become big; snack time in elementary school used to mean nothing to me, but now, when I look back, I was like, "Whoa, those times were amazing. I wish I could go back."

    xoxo Morning

    1. I know, right? It's just crazy to think how fast the year flew by. Same here! Except it was more lunchtime for me.... just the things we said and the way we acted... wow. But those were amazing times. If I could go back and sit there with a camera, I would do it for sure.

  3. Great post :)

    - Ellie

  4. I love the little things. My best friend and I talk about them all the time. lol. I love random things that seem stupid but they just make my life in the oddest way. I totally understand you. and I love this list<3

    1. haha, that's cool :) the little things are like the things that make life wayyy better.... but those random things aren't really stupid (well maybe to others), but they're the things most important to us, so even if they are a little weird, they're still cool. to us. =)

  5. this is lovely. little things are really great.
    yesss! flannel is amazing :D


    1. They really are :) It's not often until later that we realize it though...

  6. this post made me smile so hard my face started to hurt. thank you for that :)

    1. ooohhh...i hope it's a good thing ^-^ but i'm beyond happy that it made you smile =)

  7. This is brilliant. Yes yes yes to flannel shirts! In fact, I was wearing one yesterday. "Eating fresh fruit". :') it's so true, every time I eat fresh fruit I'm like I'M SO HEALTHY.

    1. really? Thanks :) Exactly! I'm just imaging myself as this really healthy person and I'm just like, "Go me."

  8. The little things are amazing aren't they?
    I too love fruit and can eat apples ALL DAY.
    I've been enjoying the weather as well.

    1. You can say that again :) Or even a hundred times.
      Mmmm...apples are amazing.
      Me too! The weather is just perfect around here.

  9. Hi!
    I just found your blog. I like it.
    Please check out my blog and follow by email! I have a giveaway going on right now if you are interested. :)
    Love in Christ,

    1. Hey, Ashley! Thanks for stopping by! I'll check it out if I have time ;)

  10. Ahhh so true! I am very nostalgic, so I get a little depressed if things don't go how I want the to and I don't get good memories. xD

    1. join the club. nostalgia's my middle name. (sometimes) I think it's partly because we've made them before and they were precious. Because it's true that awesome memories are just priceless =)

  11. i've come home to several reminders of finding the joys in the little things and contentment in life today!
    i wonder what the message for me is, there. ;)
    thank you for sharing your list!
    sofia, ​​stars unseen​

    1. That's awesome!
      You're welcome =) Glad you liked it!

  12. This post is just....exactly what I needed. ♥ ESPECIALLY STUDIO C AND FLANNEL SHIRTS. wooo.


    1. really? that's just amazing!

  13. <3
    You and I enjoy very similar things.

    1. Now I feel honored. I feel like I enjoy the same things as a really awesome blogger. That's awesome :)

  14. This was beautiful. Casually sweet + funny but with a powerful I'm making my comment far to elaborate.

    Maybe what I was trying to say was, I loved it?


    Yeah that's it.

    1.! Elaborate comments are amazing and lovely... :)

  15. I loved this post, it was just full of joy and fun. I compiled a little list of my own :D

    ~When you get a really sweet comment and it just makes your day.
    ~Every single Fall Out Boy song
    ~Nice, warm showers.
    ~Getting in bed after a long day.


    1. Aww, thanks :)

      Ah..your list is so true. Especially the last point - so completely true :)

  16. Spectacular post! Fresh fruit and the golden sunshine streaming in through the windows are wonderful “small” things we often overlook.

    1. Thanks! Oh yeah, you're so right. Golden sunshine is just so beautifully amazing and perfect <3

  17. Anonymous5/06/2015

    Oh! This is so true! I often take the little things in life for granted! Awesome reminder! <3 This post reminds me of the song The Simple Things in Life from Curly Top! :)

  18. Hey Autumn! This concerns your doll blog's new layout. I love it but- it's probably just my laptop- the layout seems a little wonky, like the post is on the very left of my screen and is cut off, so I can't comment either. And the weird thing is, there is no scroll bar at the bottom! I just thought to let you know, even though it's probably just the small screen on my laptop. xo!

    1. xD Nope, it's not your laptop. It's my layout. I tried fixing it a little bit, does it work a little better now? But I'm not quite sure about the scrollbar....does it just not show up when you scroll down or something? THis layout is really not working out the best...soo I'm not sure.

  19. Hi Autumn, thank you for sharing this. I agree with you on what you mentioned - enjoying the little things in life and being grateful for them is definitely something healthy and good to practice. I like the examples you gave on eating fresh fruit and cherishing the moments spent with friends and family. I actually wrote a post about this too before about collecting moments. If we don't find beauty in the small things, it's the dark ones that's left in our eyes, and that's something we wouldn't want to experience either. :)

    The Happy Candle

    1. You're welcome :)

      True :) Words of wisdom.

  20. I find this post so ironic because that's the whole backstory of my blog name!
    Focusing on all the little things in life because they matter a lot more than we think, and they're so cool
    Basically all you wrote about hehe :)

    1. That's so awesome ^_^
      So true :)


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