a while back, i did another post like this one, called the little things. this post is kind of a spin-off from that post, so if you want to, you can check that one out too.
there could be a thousand things that happen to us in a single day, and, sure, give or take a few, half of those things could have went downhill. and if you focus on those 500, woow. Talk about a day that sucked.
But then again, think about that other 500. Maybe they were all small, little things that made no difference to you, but think again. what were they? maybe those flowers on your back porch started blooming and their beauty gives the whole place a cheery vibe. maybe your friend got you that book you've been eyeing for a while. or, maybe it wasn't even that elaborate. maybe you and your bestie just had a good long chat after a long long time. maybe this morning you got the chance to be outside as the sun made its appearance, illuminating the world with fire.
and maybe, just maybe, that made you feel a little more alive?
i don't know about you, but this past week when i was leaving in the morning every day, i tried to take at least a second or two to look up at the sky to admire the work my Creator. the sun was just creeping up from down under, and it was amazing. and i know that i use the words amazing and awesome a lot, but to put them in context and use them, i'm pretty sure i could use them to describe the incredible sunrise(s). with nature alive around me, it stirred something within me. and to be totally honest, i loved that feeling. the sensation of seeing beauty in the things around me and and for taking the time to acknowledge the small things. whichhhh brings me back to the point of this post.
i thought i'd do something like i did in the last post like this: a list of things that have meant a lot to me lately.
and of course one of the main inspirations for this was definitely Adelaide :) her Love Overflowing series was totally something that inspired this mini series, so a huge shout out to her ^_^
wait is that considered stealing. i hope not.

- colorful outfits - okay, firstly, this makes me feel so SO pinteresty. (yeah, that's not a word apparently.) and not gonna lie, most weekends, i'm in sweats scrolling pinterest for hours. but those days that i actually get the initiative to get up and put something remotely presentable on and it turns out to be somewhat "cute" are pretty great, not?
- summer - *sarcastically smiles* um. um. DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN THIS ONE? summer is just amazing, okay, never try to tell me otherwise cuz i won't listen i'm sorry. seriously.
- sunsets + sunrises - ha, look at that, i used a plus sign and a minus sign in the same phrase. but yeah, this summer (and it's usually summer that sunrises and sunsets are the gorgeous-est. i mean in the winter, it's beautiful too, but really, it just comes with a whole new meaning in the summertime. one more reason to love it, aye?) i was really struck with the beauty of the morning and evening. God's creation just seems so much more alive around me and it's just...just...too good for words ♥
- friends - okay, this list is gonna be super cliche, but they're all things that i've really been loving this summer. honestly, i've really found the meaning of true, deep friendships. i've made friends, strengthened the friendships i already had, and yeah. it's been super awesome. plus, i've made some sweet memories with the ones i made. LIKE SERIOUSLY WE DID A PHOTOSHOOT IS THAT NOT SO PINTERESTY. ugh that's still not a word.
- running barefoot & feeling free - YES. YES. YES. i don't even know how to explain, it's just so good, you know?
- eating lots of fresh fruit in the summer - okay yes, this post has a lot of "summer" things in it, but that's okay, because it's summer :) (not for very long though.) the past few months i was able to go to this farm and help out sometimes, and i've gotta say that was an amazing experience. like a LOT. the friends i made there, memories i made there, doing things i couldn't have done before, and so many different things. it was uh-maaaaazing. and, part of that was eating fruit. and veggies. every day, in and out. and it was delicious ♥
- being happy - guys, believe it or not, life is beautiful in one way or another. some days do go pretty bad, but there's still something beautiful in it. and i know that even i don't always see that silver lining, but there's always something to look forward too. even the darkest hour is only 60 minutes. take time to be happy, because otherwise, life is sorta dull. God is good, no matter what, so why focus on the negative when the positive is right beside you?

and there's this one quote thingy i found on pinterest that kind of inspired this post. >>>>
okay well, i hope you guys liked this post and i'll see ya next week =)
- autumn
I love this post! The little things definitely add happiness to my life. <3
very very very true, jollygirl :)
DeleteAgh, I love this! Posts like these remind me just how blessed I am! Thanks, Autumn!
ReplyDeletehehe, you're welcome? but isn't it crazy how blessed we are yet never realize it?
DeleteWow, this post is so inspirational! I love it.
ReplyDeleteAlso, your photos are so so stunning, ahhh!
AW CLAIRE you made my dayyyyyy <3 (or...evening)
ReplyDeleteOn a more serious note, yeah, life stinks. I went to eat at this delicious pizza place to feeling super depressed because the mall was filled with teenagers with their friends and I'm here like, "I'm all along because my friends are literally all anti-mall." And sometimes my life just stinks because I expect too much big things to notice even the little things-- luckily summer makes me look at the little things a little more closely.
xoxo Morning
Deletegirl, i know exactly how that is. last week, i don't know, i felt sorta depressed too. halfish school blues but also, i don't know, i just felt kinda sad. and boy do i know about mall problems. girls are there with their friends shopping and everyone's their with their friend group and i'm just standing there awkwardly like "why am i not a potato"... I really wanted my summer to go big with all these events piling up and some dramatic event would change my life and yadda yadda. didn't happen. but as i wrote this post, i realized that i did change; the little things changed me.
keep strong <3
I love this post SO much, Autumn!! This summer I've really been trying to enjoy the little things in life a bit more, instead of getting down about the big things. I very rarely get to see some of my closest friends, which is a bit hard, but hey- thinking about the little things always helps:)
DeleteThis is such a great post idea though!!! And I love the quote at the end- so perfect. You should definitely do one of these for each season!
Grace Anne <3
Yes, it does very much <3 thanks sooo much :)
Deleteokay, will do!
This is such a great post! Sometimes I get so caught up in work and school that I forget to just be still and recognize the amazing God that I serve. I want to remember to appreciate that magical feeling of summer before it's gone for another year.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I find sunrises so amazing because they are usually pretty quiet. A lot of people are still sleeping, so it's like a private moment I get for myself.
Really enjoying your blog; thanks for visiting A Splash of Ink!
I love this, Autumn! Such a great post! <3
ReplyDeletethanks, clara :)
DeleteTrust me, Pinterest-y is definitely a word in my vocabulary.
ReplyDeleteI also beat both you and Morning in the friend department; the people around me aren't anti-mall, they're just anti-me :/ I just go to the mall with my aunts, who have enough money to make up for it (jk, jk..sort of. :P)
Lovely post, Autumn ^^
O | Life as a Young Lady
Deletehaha, i get ya there too. hey, at least you have someone to go with!
thank you dearie <3
Deleteahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love this so much you hit everything that this summer has come to mean to me :') the feels. this post made me so happy ♥
ReplyDeleteawwwww thank you so SO much <3333
DeleteUgh, girl. This post is perfection <3
ReplyDeletereally??? thankies.
DeleteThis is such a nice post! And yes, pinterest-y is DEFINITELY a word. :)
ReplyDeleteaw, this post made me so happy! Thanks for sharing. :)
ReplyDeletei loooooooooove how you made me feel so happy about all the little summer things i've grown to love and cherish. especially friends. and fresh fruits. and feeling free. and also, colourful outfits <3<3 (: