Meadow Tea

07 June 2015

hey guys :) i know i haven't blogged on here for a few weeks, and i'm sorry about that.  i don't know... i guess i got caught up in other things a little too much ^-^

and as i was thinking of what to post today, i thought about a recipe, but was just like " all don't want that."  and you know still might not like one.  well, i'm already doing it. too late.

So I think the first thing you should know is that I'm not a cook.  Like yeah.

I can fry up a pretty mean scrambled egg, but that's an egg. Not really a huge accomplishment.  Give me a huge recipe that requires plenty of time and patience, and you might not get that good of a turnout.  You might get a pretty bad one actually.  Point is - I'm not the greatest chef out there.  I'm not anywhere near to a chef for that matter.  So if I'm going to post a recipe on this can probably imagine the amount of brain-wracking that went on beforehand. Actually you probably can't. that's okay.   So I settled for something nice and easy, that I love and you might too.

Tea.  you know, I did do a post about tea before too, now that I think about it.  ^-^
Let's just run through it really quick.

Step 1.  (EEEK.  I get to say "step 1".  HOW AWESOME) You're probably going to want to pick some peppermint tea leaves.  You know, I'm just guessing.  Since it's peppermint tea, you might want tea leaves. 
Actually I'm pretty positive. 

Step 2.  You'll want to rinse the leaves get rid of the creepy-crawlies in there. 

Step 3.  Add it to as much water as you want and before adding the leaves in, bring the water to a boil and then add the leaves in to soak. 

Step 4.  Add sugar or preferably honey to the container you're going to pour the tea into. 

 Step 5.  So here's the fun part.  We get to strain the tea into a pitcher and watch it turn into amazing, sweet meadow tea ♥

So yup :) That's about it.
So what did you think about this different type of post? Yay or nay? (^-^)
Anyways, I have some ideas for this summer, plus...hopefully a new design :) But, you guys know how it went last time I wanted to re-design.  *cough* ahem...did not happen for a few months.  xD Still though, I'm pretty excited for this summer =)

have a fabulous week & don't forget - you are amazing. 


  1. Mmmmm....that looks so GOOOOOOD! I need try it :O

    ~Lydia~ <3

  2. That's awesome!! Fabulous tutorial! I've never been a huge tea fan, but I just might have to try this!
    Grace Anne

  3. I'm craving for this right now! It's cool to make tea and that you can make it... My parents don't trust me with the kitchen because I burn stuff. So how I am supposed to learn to drive with my learner's permit if they don't trust me in the kitchen??? D: I guess we're both kind of in the same boat!

    xoxo Morning

    1. haha, I can't make a lot of things. And the pictures I took this are like the second batch I tried. The first batch had bugs in it. That's how bad a cook I am ^-^ xD I know how ya feel there :) Yeah...I guess we are ^-^

  4. That looks so yummy, and the photos are gorgeous! <3

  5. Anonymous6/08/2015

    Looks so very delicious and summery!! Need to do this asap..

    x mariya -

    1. You have to ^-^ It's da best.

  6. *notes down recipe* This is super cool and perfect for summer, pun not intended! But wait, if this is peppermint tea ... does this mean we're Katniss and co. in the Hunger Games? That's so rad.

    1. xD It totally is :)
      Completely rad.

  7. Sounds delicious! I'll have to try this.

    1. You'll have to :) It's awesome.

  8. This looks sooo good! Very refreshing! That's funny because I was thinking about doing a recipe post with smoothies.

    I love your blog design. <3

    xx Mackenzie

    1. haha, that's soo cool ^-^ It is good.

      thanks <3

  9. Anonymous6/08/2015

    This tutorial looks delicious, Autumn! I love the pictures you took! <3

  10. Anonymous6/09/2015

    Hi Autumn! I love your blog... Can you follow mine?

  11. Hi! I'm here to remind you that your entry for my contest is due Friday! No rush, just a reminder!

  12. this looks incredible! we have mint in our garden so i'll have to try it. actually, my brother just came back from morocco and he keeps raving about the mint tea he had there. ^^


    1. you totally should ^-^ morocco sounds amazing!


  13. YAY! this was very adorably written, and honestly, i've never actually made tea with fresh leaves o_O i loved this post! xxx.

    1. Aww, thanks, liz :) you ought to try it sometime. it's the best ^-^

  14. I love this type of post and the pictures. Being real honest I don't like tea, so I wouldn't make it, but I would if I did like tea ;)

    1. Thanks, Lauren :) That's completely understandable. I'm actually not that big of a fan of hot tea, it's just the colder, summer-y ones like these that I really like.

  15. It sound delicious. I love, love, love tea.
    Beautiful photos, Autumnnn. <3

    -T. x


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