hey guys :) how are you all doing? all week long i was trying to think of what i should post, but, typical me, i'm just resorting back to this post. i find it like 10 million times easier and more fun to write posts like this, and hopefully you guys like it too.
wow. in just the two weeks since school started after break, i think i've hit that time when, you know, it's just like, "what is life." but thankfully i'm not dwelling too much on that, considering all the stuff i have to do. seriously, it's just sort of weird. WHY do i waste my whole weekend on the computer and feel wasted Sunday evening, and on Monday i realize i have like 1 million things to do? p r i o r i t i e s, autumn.
but yeah, this past week i've just been really thinking, like, about life and stuff. some of my very close friends might have to move, but i'm praying and hoping that they won't. that's gonna take a miracle, and honestly, that's one of the reason i dubbed 2016 "year of miracles." God is so good, and He won't let them move, even though it's all just crazy. there was this one quote i saw on pinterest a while back, and it said something like, "God doesn't see how big our problems are, He's like 'Dude, I've made galaxies.'" XD something like that. but i just love that quote, i think it's really true.
anddd, well, yeah. this year i've been so much more involved in keeping myself up to date in what's happening around the world and in politics and stuff. it's really fascinating, with 2016 elections and stuff. did any of you guys see the republican debate on the fourteenth? fun, right? Who do you think is going to win? i loved reading Bethany's posts on how she tried to meet every single candidate who's running for President and her take on them....you should go read them. they're amaazing.
haha, the other day me and one of my friends were talking and i was just rattling away on my opinions and she's just there like, "you have no idea how much i disagree with you." ^_^ yeah, #random
and then there's the democratic debate tonight on NBC YouTube that i'm really hoping to watch but i have to go to school tomorrow and i don't want to get sick from not getting enough sleep and then there's life and i have to make a speech for school and i need to work on the magazine and eat healthy and so yeah, that might be pretty interesting.
anyways, so yeah. (do you ever realize how much i say that? "anyways" and "so yeah." whenever i'm writing a blogpost, i literally use those words so much.) so i'm working on a new design that's not quite done yet, but i'm trying to make it a little bit better than the old one. i didn't really like that one very much. it just didn't make me feel motivated to spend time on my blog. so yep. here we are.
oh yeah, and this week like the first flurries came. well, more like the first snow. that was pretty exciting. although, it first gave some snow during the day when i was in school, and so by the time i could get out and go look, all the snow had melted (in like.5 hours. SERIOUSLY.) so there wasn't any. but then that evening when it got dark, it started snowing like a fury. which was pretty great, i suppose. picture this - little kids running *cough* and maybe some not so little humans jumping and screaming over the first snow while yours truly stands there very maturely shaking her head and asking people older than her "how old are you? three?"
but yeah :) it was all fun and a great way to kick of the winter...or so i thought. the snow all melted and now it's just like the bleak midwinter. yay....
ANYWAYS. this post is like super long and hopefully you're not sleeping yet. have an amazing week and keep smiling ♥
- autumn
wow. in just the two weeks since school started after break, i think i've hit that time when, you know, it's just like, "what is life." but thankfully i'm not dwelling too much on that, considering all the stuff i have to do. seriously, it's just sort of weird. WHY do i waste my whole weekend on the computer and feel wasted Sunday evening, and on Monday i realize i have like 1 million things to do? p r i o r i t i e s, autumn.
but yeah, this past week i've just been really thinking, like, about life and stuff. some of my very close friends might have to move, but i'm praying and hoping that they won't. that's gonna take a miracle, and honestly, that's one of the reason i dubbed 2016 "year of miracles." God is so good, and He won't let them move, even though it's all just crazy. there was this one quote i saw on pinterest a while back, and it said something like, "God doesn't see how big our problems are, He's like 'Dude, I've made galaxies.'" XD something like that. but i just love that quote, i think it's really true.
haha, the other day me and one of my friends were talking and i was just rattling away on my opinions and she's just there like, "you have no idea how much i disagree with you." ^_^ yeah, #random
anyways, so yeah. (do you ever realize how much i say that? "anyways" and "so yeah." whenever i'm writing a blogpost, i literally use those words so much.) so i'm working on a new design that's not quite done yet, but i'm trying to make it a little bit better than the old one. i didn't really like that one very much. it just didn't make me feel motivated to spend time on my blog. so yep. here we are.
but yeah :) it was all fun and a great way to kick of the winter...or so i thought. the snow all melted and now it's just like the bleak midwinter. yay....
ANYWAYS. this post is like super long and hopefully you're not sleeping yet. have an amazing week and keep smiling ♥
- autumn
Hope 2016 is a wonderful year for you!
ReplyDeleteI have learned that sometimes God has bigger solutions to what we see as problems than we can ever imagine. In the moment things might seem bleak and what you really don't want to happen happens, but in the end I've come to learn that God really holds us close and always has better things to come. That being said, I hope your friends don't have to move away:)
Interesting post!
thank you, sunny <3 i hope it's gonna be amazing for you as well.
DeleteAMEN SISTER. totally agreed with everything you said. just yes. God is so good, and He never leaves us go. And even when the worst case scenario does come, God never leaves nor forsakes. And in the end, the result is so beautifully mind-boggling. <3
happy new year!
ReplyDeletei love these kinds of posts.
it started to snow a couple times but hasn't stuck :/
i'm taking civics and part of that is about campaigning so i find all the presidential stuff interesting. i even watched most of the state of the union thing.
i love your blog design so far. the banner for the header is so cute <3
emily | lost
happy new year to you too!
Deleteaww thanks <3 well personally i prefer less snow, but i really want to go skiing and boarding yet this year, so a little snow wouldn't be too bad. YES. all that stuff that i used to think was just mush and junk is actually pretty interesting now. yeah, haha, in the republican debate Christie dubbed the state of the union "storytime with Obama." i just thought that was pretty funny :)
Ohhh life can be stressful sometimes, and it's hard to remember that it's all in God's hands. I'll be praying for you -- keep up the awesomeness! (And I personally love life posts. So there's that.)
ReplyDeletetruth, aimee. truth. so often I just want to grab my life from God and try to control it all on my own. thank you, aimee <3 YESSS!
DeleteYeah, it's pretty weird for an 11-year-old, but I actually like politics...I spend a bit of time watching Fox News every day. I (kind of) saw the latest Republican debate...right now I think it's either Trump, Rubio or Cruise that's going to get picked. Who knows, though?
ReplyDeleteI really like your new blog design so far. It's very nice! :)
~Lydia~ <3
haha, that's pretty cool that you're into politics :) I didn't get into it till recently. DUDE SAME. oh my goodness, that is so cool. I literally do that too. every night I'm either watching the o' reilly factor or the Kelly file. what did you think of the debate? Yeah, it's one of those three prob. honestly, I kinda doubt that trump is going to ultimately win...i'm rooting for Cruz. I thought he nailed it pretty good in the debate. even on the NY values issue.
DeleteI really like the O'Rielly Factor and Hannity...I watch The Kelley File occasionally. ;) Oh, and every Saturday night I watch the Greg Gutfield Show.
DeleteI didn't get to see all of it, but overall I think it was actually pretty exciting.
I like Cruz, too. He's my favorite right now. I actually got to go see him/meet him yesterday! I like in New Hampshire so a lot of candidates come down here, and so we drove up and I got to take a photo with him and everything. So yeah, I really like him. I agree with him on a lot of things. :)
~Lydia~ <3
Yeah, O'Reilly is pretty good. Haha, Hannity's at 10 though, and i usually try to get to bed before ten on a school night and he's only weekdays...ssooooo :) HAHA yeah the Greg Gutfield Show. Wow, that kid is like something else =) okay, he's not a kid, that's just an expression. ^_^
DeleteYeah, it was like, epic. i loved it.
Aww that's so cool! i really envy the people who live in iowa and new hampshire because all the candidates come there first and for sure...and everyone there gets to meet them :) that's so cool that you got to meet cruz in person. that'd be like...AMAZING. yeah, i like him best out of all the candidates.....
I love posts like this! (even though when I write them myself I'm just like ugh no one wants to hear this. But I adore reading them from other people. I'm weird.)
SAME. haha, yeah, I love hearing about other people's lives. it's so cool.
DeleteI'm so torn between what I want ^_^
such a lovely post, autumn! wishing all the best for the speech you're going to make (i'm sure you'll do amazing!) also great reminder right there: i should start eating healthy again heh
ReplyDeleteSO EXCITED that you had your first snow. here's to a great great week and year<3
you're kidding, right?
Deletehaha, no...i'm hoping to do well on my speech. it's for a science fair, and yeah. good stuff. colligative processes.
same. <3
eeeeee. i totally get ya. i am NOT looking forward to school tomorrow (plus I just got a cold last night so yipee. fun.). we get a lot of snow here in Colorado. i'm loving the sun and the warm weather (but that may just be because i'm miserable and sick and any chance of warmth and summertime-not-sick-memories help me). *sniffles and blows nose* i love life posts and hearing updates. it's so interesting how different our lives are, but yet we're still connected in some way. kinda silly, kinda cool. <3 <3
ReplyDeleteYEESSS. aww, i'm sorry. I hope you feel better soon :) I was sorta sick last week. UGH. WINTER. yeah, I imagine you would in Colorado...when I think of Colorado I basically just think of snow and skiing and fun stuff like that :0 that's so true, girl. that's what I love about blogging, it's like a way that we can all share our lives with each other. so much love. <3
DeleteAs usual, amazing pictures :) And I'm so jealous that you get snow in winter :)
ReplyDeletethanks, opal <3 I always love when you comment. HEHE NO. haha, yeah, though, you do get snow in NZ a little right? because I didn't think it's that much of a hot country...but...yeah. it's not all fun though :)
DeleteSnow. I feel you on this, as I live in the South and a single snowflake falling from the sky could be enough of a weather catastrophe to cancel school. And I agree that we should know what's going on in the Political world and want to read more about current world news this year too. Personally, I really think that, aside from a huge mistake on their part, the Republican will win. Now which republican is the question... I hope Cruz.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely, even if it's busy, week!
haaha, yeah, once i saw a thing on pinterest that had two images -- one with like this very faint convering of snow on the ground that the south would be like school and everything canceled and in the north people are like time to go to work with a vehicle piled up with like 10 ft. of snow. :) yes, i agree we should be somewhat involved in the political scheme of things. praying for things like this are important. Which mistake did the republican party make? I definitely do not think there should be a democrat winning presidency this year. Cruz would be the way to go.
Deleteyou too!
i cracked up when i read "p r i o r i t i e s autumn" because yES GIRL i do this aaaaaaall the time. it's like i never learn. i'm on my gap year (so no school yay...?) but strangely i'm kinda missing school because it gives a nice routine to things, ya know? i'm trying not to waste time and be productive but it's so difficult without due dates like WHAT. hahaha, i need to work on discipline hehe xx
ReplyDeletehaha, YES. honestly, i have to tell myself that so much. Keeping focused is something i could definitely work on a lot. a LOT. Ooooh yayyyy :) that's cool. yeah, i know what you mean. i was homeschooled for a little, and honestly one of the main things that didn't work was that I AM THE BIGGEST PROCRASTINATOR. period. i would literally do no work. which is bad. =) but yeah. i totally get you on that.
DeleteI didn't read all of the other comments, so I may be repeating stuff, but what's wrong with that anyway? So, first thing I noticed was your new design, and I love it! It looks all cool and professional and stuff.
ReplyDeleteFriends of mine moved away awhile ago too. It was super sad, but we are still able to keep in touch, thankfully. I've actually had a bunch of friends move away over the years, and you know what? It is really hard, but that's what strengthens our faith in the One who knows all our problems better than we do!
We got snow twice this season, but it didn't stick at all either time. So that's fun. :P
And I can totally relate to you when I spend all this time on the computer, or doing something I don't need to be doing, and then feel bad for being behind on important things. Life, I suppose.
haha, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, maggie :) what YOU think is what matters ^_^
Deleteawww, yeah, that's tough. you are so right, girl. GOD is all powerful, and literally, He can do ANYTHING in this little old world that He wants. So to trust and obey is my motto, personally. Do you know that hymn? It's called "Trust and Obey" and OH YES. trusting and obeying God is only the way to be happy. <33
Haha, I FEEL YOU. that's sort of annoying. i had really wanted to go boarding or skiing this year again, but whatev. they're calling for more snow this weekend though (talking like HUGE. snowstorm. SNOWSTORM??? seriously. that'd be so cool but i kinda sorta teensy ennsy weensy doubt that.)
haha, yes. i feel that's something i really struggle with. it is life. i saw this quote that i loved: either you run the day, or the day runs you. prioritizing is KEY.
But I still like this post!!!! I love your blog! :)
ReplyDeleteAllie D.
aww, what a sweet comment! thank you so much <3
DeleteI love hearing little random thoughts like this post. :) Thanks for sharing!!
same. totally same. i love reading life-y posts from others....so i'm glad you like when i post them :)
DeleteI'M REALLY LIKING YOUR DESIGN THUS FAR. ;) It's looking very nice. And pssh I love reading your rambles and "anyways so yeah" are some of the best words. HEY IT'S HOW WE TALK YO. And I looooove that quote: "'Dude, I've made galaxies.'" That is just FJKNSDLSAKC ♥ love. it is love. God is love so hey, yeah. I also really like the vibe of these pictures. ^.^
THANK YOU THAT MEANS SOO MUCH. :) awww, really?? you just warmed my heart. (well, not that it was like cold before, but like....^_^) DUDE YEAH. this is how we talk. ikr? it's so truthful...in a very catchy way :D
Delete"God is love" <---- AMEN.
I love your posts. Like, a lot. You're a great writer.
ReplyDeleteYeah, life's got me spinning as well. There are so many things that need time and attention and inside my head it looks like a balloon filled with ink exploded so everything is messy and I've got a lot of cleaning to do.
I enjoyed this, thank you for sharing your talent and opinion and just your general wittiness.
-T. x
Delete*crumples on floor* you are just the sweetest person ever. this comment like made my day. no kidding. <3
that was probably the best description ever for what i'm sort of feeling. that's like ditto how i'm feeling.
you da best, man <3